Thursday, 21 August 2008


Friday 6pm - 12 midnight
Saturday 12 noon - 12 midnight
Sunday 11.30am - 12 midnight
Monday 12 noon - 10pm

These are my shifts at work for the forthcoming weekend.

Basically, I'm working a freakin' huge amount of hours this weekend! I won't stop between 6pm on Friday, until 10pm on Monday.

When I'm not at work, I'll be sleeping or eating. I'll pretty much have no time for anything else :'(

At least I'm making lots of monies! xD

In other news.... It appears that I have totally lost my appetite recently. Today, all I have eaten is one bowl of cereal, and I haven't even felt hungry at all. It's weird, and it can't be healthy, but ahhh well. I hear you lose your appetite when you get pregnant.... Maybe I got pregnant?!



Sandra said...

Well, that's a lot of work.. :O Hope you'll be fine. ^^

Michela said...

i also hear cereal is a wonderful birth control device.
but...just in case.
name the child a wonderful name i hear :P

Angela Chong said...

Oh, need a babysitter?