Tuesday, 22 April 2008

I ♥ New York!

Son of a gun!

Two blog posts in two days?!

So, last night I went to an american diner with two of my best friends, Kelly and Nicolle; and Kelly has just come back from a trip to New York, and she brought me some rather delightful holiday gifts back. It was totally unexpected, but it was a lovely surprise.

She brought me back some hershey’s chocolates which are delicious! (we can’t buy hershey's chocolates very easily here in the UK). She also got me some super cool ‘I ♥ New York’ merchandise!

Here is a picture of me with the ‘I ♥ New York’ baseball she bought for me:


Although, I’ve never played baseball once in my life, so I’m not sure what I’ll use it for... I’ll probably just throw it around my house, and break random ornaments/vases that my mum has pottered about the place xD



Anonymous said...

Aww, aren't you cute, Johnny?

I have to admit I wish I had some of those chocolates. I can't find them anywhere near where I live. Damned Portsmouth ;]

Nice to see you're enjoying all your little gifties. At least try not to break anything :P

Anonymous said...

Damn I wanted first post! Ah wells.

New York sounds awesome. I want to go one day. And baseball is such good fun. Lol at you going to break random ornaments - why not go for some windows whilst you're at it then? :D

Take care

Michela said...

i agree, new york is awesome!! well, at least NYC is...the rest of it aint so exciting :(
my art class is going on a little day trip to NYC soon, i cant wait! i dont remember the last time i had been....quite a long time ago, even tho it is quite close to where i live.
and WHATS with all the british people in NY lately!? i've heard of at least 3 within the month!

that is an awesome baseball btw, even if it IS from New York. haha, my team from Boston is the arch-rival of the New York team. its like football rivalries over in the UK!

Anonymous said...

wuut. lol
Well i live in Florida, andd thats wayy better then N.Y. haha

haha. hmm. there alot of British people moving to where i live lately, i wonder wuts up with that.
(American chocolates sux. lol)

lovely blog ;]

Caitlin said...

Breaking things is, after all, what baseballs do best... :)

Anonymous said...

I love the intentions you have for the baseball. xD That's great.

It sucks that you can't get your hands on Hershey's. o.O I'd send you a million. XD Mom'd eat them all before I got the chance though.

Anyway, love the blog, I shall be stalkerish without being creepy. :P

Anonymous said...

So, I got a question over here;
What exactly is considered an American dinner?

Anonymous said...

Ive been studying in the states for a while, and i just happened to stumble upon your blog"site?"

Its nice to read about daily life from back home that i know this may sound odd, but have no affiliation with me. Being homesick is quite dreadful, so i just wanted to say...

Thanks for being.

Sean Patrick Brennan said...

ahh so that's why you had a new york ball (lightbulb appears above sean's head subsequent to his comment on johnny's myspace)

Wayne said...

Eww Hershey's chocolate is vile haha XD

Anonymous said...

haha poor mum :D

Anonymous said...

haha guess what?
you made this blog on my birthday :3 april 22 which is also
earthday. My Birthday Is On EARTHDAY! yay