Friday, 3 October 2008


why do paper cuts hurt so much, when they're SO small?!

i accidently got a paper cut on my bottom lip!
and it hurts like crazy!

*mental note: be more careful when putting paper in your mouth

(oh, and i wasn't trying to eat the paper btw, i was just trying to hold a few sheets of paper in my mouth because both my hands were busy trying to open my bag, and i needed somewhere to put the paper. i now wish i had just put the paper under my arm... bleh)


Anonymous said...

Paper cuts hurt so much because they're small. When you have wounds, your body releases natural pain killers, to make the pain less intense. When you have a paper cut, you're body knows it's only small, so figures you don't need any pain killers, and the pain isn't numbed at all.

It's rather silly really XD but that's how it works.

I feel sorry for you though :(

Lilly Melody said...

It because the trees are taking revenge because we're cutting them down.




Uh, either that, or the above explanation... *cough*

Kiky said...

Emo Johnny-e ... hehe. Naw, just take care of it. Those little nuisances can easily get infected. Stay safe. :D

Sammy G. said...

Because it was the Devil that papercutted you!!

Anonymous said...

Paper cuts hurt more because the cuts are clean and don't bleed like most injuries also they *normally* occur on the fingers which have higher sensitivity than most areas where you would expect to receive a wound.

On the lips it would be even worse because they are more sensitive than your fingers. Poor Johnny. :(

I got a paper cut off of a card from my sister on my birthday before. Haha. :(

Angela Chong said...
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Angela Chong said...

Because maybe you haven't been treating that piece paper well enough!

Its ok. I once got a paper cut on my lip too. I was flipping the pages of a book when suddenly the paper made contact with my lip and cut it. It really hurt when I was drinking hot beverages!! =)